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The Ranting Thread


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file this under:


Yesterday I was at Lowe's getting something so im waiting in line and my turn comes up. The 17 year old girl turns to her friend/coworker and talks to her and not ringing me out. Well that went on for 30 seconds a minute or so. then she starts ringing me out and in the middle of it before telling me my total she does it again. this type of stuff annoys the hell outta me. Well I had been holding a fart for a couple of minutes planning on letting it loose as soon as I got out side. No sooner she gave me my receipt I decided to leaver here a parting gift. I usually dont do things like this but I was a bit pissed. Now it was one of the silent but deadly ones, you know the ones that even clear yourself out of the room. the kind were like I need to go to the Dr. to see whats wrong with me. I could smell it instantly and just started smirking as I was walking away. I think some of it followed me outside.

end rant/win!


sorry to gross some of you out but I thought it was funny.

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nice :rofl:

Yeah I'm beginning to think courtesy in stores is a thing of the past. I was buying beer the other day and there was this old guy who was the cashier. He didn't say "Hello" or anything just "Give me your ID". I'm not mad about being carded just say hello or how are you doing first. Least you can do if I'm spending money at the store you work in, jeeburse.

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almost took out a Hyundai Tiburon a few minutes ago. and i look at both of them looking at me like i did something wrong. its called a "stop sign" for a reason, stupid driver. seriously, who allows these people to drive?

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Had a Aztek almost kill me today. Was doing about 45mph down a road then they were taking a left, saw her literally look right at me cause she stopped then when I was 10ft away she started then slammed on her breaks I was like WTF!! How do you stop then don't even wait for me to pass and almost kill me :picard:

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So I dusted off my old Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun disk and set that shit to Windows 95 compatibility.


I lost to a level 1 AI in the beginning of the game......


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  • 4 weeks later...
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Whelp if I didn't lose faith in humanity before I sure did last night. Went to the Tom Petty concert last night, it was amazing btw but afterwards everybody just went haywire trying to get out. There were clear lines in a ROAD to follow out of the parking lot, well nobody followed those. Retards were going all over, not being patience, cutting others off, going down the wrong side of the road and cutting people off at the end. All these retards cause people like myself who were following the rules to be over-ran and almost hit which then pissed me the fuck off so I didn't let anyone in. Then the best part is people were wandering in the road as well drunk or something not in their car, looking for their car. I have no idea what was in the beer but I can be black-out drunk and still find a fucking parking lot and stay out of the road.

Then I thought this was the end of it but once we got on the next road and were about to turn onto the highway there was a HUGE line again and people still didn't understand the concept that we weren't just stopped for our health and tried to pass all of us then try and get back in a lane almost causing accidents in 2 different lanes. Even a fucking limo did this, how are you a professional driver of a HUGE vehicle and can't follow simple rules of the road. Overall I don't understand how people can be so freaking self-centered that they need to cut in line. If you're at the bank or a theme park, people don't cut in lines so why all of a sudden when you get in a car it's ok?

Seriously if the county was smart enough to give me a gun and authority to give tickets they would become rich as no other because these idiots always seem to be around me.

Overall this is a quick summary of last nights adventure. It literally took 2 hours to get home, on a drive that normally takes 20 minutes. As well this wasn't my first concert at this arena that was sold out and the last 5 concerts I went to there, we were out and good to go in 15 minutes. People are either getting stupider or just don't care anymore, it makes me furious and sad in the world.

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well, me being a Mr. Dr. Professor, i have concluded that they are becoming stupider. where you in your G6/Camaro or in someone elses car? sucks either way.

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well, me being a Mr. Dr. Professor, i have concluded that they are becoming stupider. where you in your G6/Camaro or in someone elses car? sucks either way.

The G6, knew it would be crazy (not as crazy as it turned out lol) so didn't bother bringing the Camaro.

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  • 2 months later...
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Are kids genetically altered today to be mentally retarded and have zero respect for other's property or are parents just not doing their job? Some may have heard about last weekend some little brats set off some fireworks in my driveway next to the G6 and I ran after them. I had a chat with one about how illegal it is and that he will get in trouble if he continues, nicely asking him to stop before anything happens. Kid just mouthed off to me and ran away. Now probably once or twice since that happened they "ding dong ditched" us really late at night. Needless to say at this point I'm mad but still thinking just kids they'll get over it. Well yesterday at about 6pm, the kids came around and my dad was working on the side of the house. The kid walked over, into our yard and threw a couple firecrackers (They did this to my neighbors too). My dad comes running around the side of the house because he watched this happen and yelled at the kids. They then do this again at like 8pm. Keep in mind we know who these kids are, we lived in this neighborhood for 15 years and now on a daily basis I run around the neighborhood for exercise and my parents walk around it so its not like they don't know us or we don't know them. A few live down the street about 3 houses and the others live around the next block so I'm like are they retarded or something? Well fastforward to 9pm and they light a firework (roman candle type deal) in our entry way. I come running out thinking the mat or something is going to catch fire and they scream "catch me now, bitch". My parents call the police. The cop comes like an hour later, we're talking with the cop telling him everything and he tells us these same kids are responsible for a bunch of other vandilism and other items around the neighborhood. I said "How are they not arrested or charged with something yet?" Cop ignored the question... The cop assures us everything will stop and he gets in his squad car and backs up 2 houses and go talk to the kids and their parents who are at the house 3 houses down.

Now I don't know what happened after that but I don't understand how the kids are still alive (if they are). If that was me and a cop came over to my house and told my Dad that I was doing this crap, my Dad would have killed me on the spot. Luckily I was never in this position because my friends and I had common sense and respect for people's property.

Overall I weep for the future if these morons are going to head it.

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Stupid little shits need a boot up their ass. Kids are getting away with murder because it is mostly the parents' fault, and just the sense of no repercussions for their actions.

Clever little bastards must figure BECAUSE they're so young, you can't do a thing to them directly, and because their parents won't do anything, they feel invincible. Add that in with them spending more than half the day with video games, these kids have a terrible sense of reality and responsibility for their actions. Life doesn't have a reset button.

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Justa got back from my cabin and my neighbor built a Metal polebarn to store his toys in. 2 14yr old kids took a chainsaw N cut right through a wall. Destroyed an abandoned his 4 wheelers N looted the barn. THEN PUT IT ALL UP FOR SALE in their yardsale. WTF?

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Ringo. Up here in Granville, the same thing happened. Only difference the is they got the shit kicked out of them. I hate how people don't understand how you can justify a fight. Literally, some people will NEVER learn unless you teach them a lesson like that.

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  • 1 month later...

You know, I think Cops are great. To Protect and Server. Unless they are young and have a superiority complex.

So I'm in the Phoenix with my friend, and my other friend is in his Ford Ranger behind me. My buddy in the Ranger moved over like he was going to pass me, but he didn't. Then as a joke he swerved onto the dirt edge of the road (This is a road adjacent to a farm) and came back onto the road behind me. As we approached the stop sign there was a cop on duty that saw the whole thing. He was on traffic duty for construction.

Now, I technically have done nothing other than going 45 in a 40, but since I was the lead car this faggot of a cop walks over to my car. He goes "What are you doing?" And I'm like "Going to Tractor Supply" (Which is across the street) and then he gets angry with me and says "What are you doing?! Being stupid? Being an asshole!? Because any of those answers will suffice!" At that moment I saw his Badge 'Granville PD' this f*cking guy is from my town doing traffic duty the next town over. I recognized him, this is the same cop that sits and on his ass in his marked Tahoe and blocks my f*cking driveway. This guy will try to pull you over for as much as having one hand on the wheel. Hes a dick.

I said "What...?" He goes "I saw your buddy try to pass you and then he went back over to pass you on the right, and if he crashed it would have been your fault"

Now at this point my mind is full of f*ck because I haven't done anything, How the f*ck would I be responsible for a person BEHIND me getting in an accident? And also at this point, I knew I had the upper hand in this argument, this guy was just trying to get his f*cking rocks off through his superiority-complex.

I sarcastically said "Yes officer, I am being an asshole, and I believe you have some construction to attend to" and pulled away across the street and he went back to duty. At this point I knew this f*cker was steamed, he kept looking over his shoulder to see when I leave TS so he can stop me again.

And he did. As I was pulling out to go left. He goes "You think I won't take away you or your buddy's license?! I caught you and your buddy doing something stupid so stop being an asshole" When he finished that sentence some old lady honked at him to move because she was trying to pull in and he just waved me off. And like the Phoenix herself was alive to spite this guy, her tires slipped and squealed a little. Apparently he motioned to my friend in the Ranger to stop but in the confusion of things he kept going.

I f*cking hate cops like that. They think that just because they have a badge they are gods. This guy had no reason to talk down to me other than he saw it as a easy way to get his rocks off.

My f*cking dad hates this guy. He's not respectful to anyone. He patrols out in Granville, a f*cking town with no crime. I can guarantee that if he acted like that in the city of Springfield he'd get killed. Talk slick and get your neck slit quick, because real street niggas ain't having that shit.

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' timestamp='1345091103' post='74650']

File a complaint to his sergeant. Watch how quickly his god complex deflates.


Some people just love to flex their "superiority" or the fact they think they're better than you. I see it a lot actually and it bugs me a whole ton, not with cops though thank god. Something like this situation though it's better not to let your nerves get the best of you and just file a complaint on the guy. Better to be out of jail and take the cops sh!t then be in jail and give the cop sh!t

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  • 3 weeks later...

Sweet motherfucking Odin. The absolute maturity of people is asinine.

You guys know I run a page on Facebook called the "Juggalo Opposition". Now, things have been rather quiet, but previously there was strife between us and another page (made up of ex members of our page, we booted them out due to stupidity.) but that lasted a day at most. A month goes by, and all of a sudden, our page gets spammed by obvious troll pages with personal pics snagged from a couple of my FB albums as well as the other three admins of the page. I'm talking 40 posts per minute. They made hundreds of "memes" out of the pics, and they frantically spammed the page. Nobody was on, so all the fanbase saw and wondered WTF is going on.

I deleted and banned all the stupid ass pages. One of the admins, said we should just let the pages spam the shit out of the page, oh hell no. BUT, I wasn't around for that one, and when I saw the page, it was infested with gore, scat and other nasty pr0n. I deleted over 200 pics, and banned 16 pages. Sorry, letting them post didn't work. Screw this noise

Now it just happened again, more of the attack was focused on me, but only to the insult of me being a furry. Where does this stem from? Because I like to use pics I find of Tails as my profile pic. That's all.

But the raid tonight, I ran shit my way. 40 pages were made. 40. To spam OUR page. I was active when it started, and I banned these douchebags left and right. The last raid lasted four hours with spamming. This raid lasted just an hour. Sorry, but my way works.

Seriously, how empty is your bloody life to do this repeatedly? Sure, I help run a page that trolls and mocks juggalos...but these idiots are digging into our personal lives to troll. Hell, they've even gone as low as dragging two memeber's kids into the raid. That's just fuking low.

All over a page, people. They raid us because we booted them from a page. Sad, isn't it?

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  • 1 month later...

To everyone having to deal with fucktards who can't drive, for some time now I have had a dash cam... recently though I now have 4 dash cams... it may seem rediculous, but having video with sound from all directionsseems to be the only way to protect myself from idiots these days... I have caught people trying to randomly kill me on my single dash cam before, taken it to the poice and had them say there is nothng they can do... I even showed the cops this video of a psycho passing me on the shoulder and trying to take me out... I have it on video, I had 3 very credible witnesses and myself and the polic tell me it's my work against the idiot that did it...


That video was before I had a dash cam mind you, but that, witnesses and the plate number and vehicle description and the cops refused to do anything about it.

So now more cameras... an added benifet to the cameras is they record sound very well, so if I ever get pulled over by another power mad cop (hasn't happened for years lukily) I will have the bastard on film and be able to share it with the world!

The cameras I am using are these with some high speed 32 GB SDHC cards.

Not too bad IMHO.


Basically I'm saying we should all have these things nowadays, the ass coverage is worth it.

Plus you never know what you might catch on film!

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