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Byron Burnett's 1965 GTO

2024 September
of the Month

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Do you have OnStar?



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Just curious of those with newer Pontiacs who actually uses OnStar or have installed the FMV mirror on their older Pontiac?

I've had some issues with my OnStar on my Camaro and have gotten to know the Social Media adviser for OnStar and before I ask if she wants to come on here I wanted to see how many people have OnStar and if it was worth her time.

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Both of my Pontiacs pre-date Onstar. The '04 Avalanche was built without Onstar even installed in it! The '11 Traverse has it but no active account. I would be curious to know what everyone's experiences with Onstar really are, good or bad.

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Both of my Pontiacs pre-date Onstar. The '04 Avalanche was built without Onstar even installed in it! The '11 Traverse has it but no active account. I would be curious to know what everyone's experiences with Onstar really are, good or bad.

I have it in the Camaro. I like a lot of capabilities with the smart phone, online and just shear safety aspect of it. I had some bad experiences with their customer service and getting my free trial activated then they did a whole bunch of stuff including but not limited to: locking me out of my account which killed all services, combing my account and my parents account (my dad has the same first and obviously the same last name and some genius didn't see our middle initials) so locked out again and my CC was paying for their account for a little bit, didn't receive anything about my free trial expiring. Once I made contact with OnStar's social team though I was treated excellent, given an incentive to subscribe and dealt with some individuals with their heads on their shoulders. Really the purpose of this thread to help others that are having issues.

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Pre onstar. Wouldn't ever install it either. But it would be cool to be in a onstar car that launched or took a corner so hard that they called and asked if everything was alright

There is a few videos out there of this happening to Camaros and the side-curtain airbags deployed, not fun or cheap to replace

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I do see your point, I have to admit there are some features of OnStar that are useless if you own a smartphone but that's why they're options :).

The safety aspect is the real reason I pay for it, if I'm in a crash and don't respond they dispatch police/ambulance, if my car is stolen then the GPS and recovery system will assist the cops, among cool diagnostics and small features like being able to unlock my car from my android smartphone and OnStar being able to check if I locked the car when I'm paranoid. The shear discount of my insurance almost pays for itself lol.

The reason why I really like it is because I'm a computer and auto geek, this combines the two :lol: Plus it can't hurt to be paying less than half the price for it

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2

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