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Pontiac of the Month

Byron Burnett's 1965 GTO

2024 September
of the Month

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insturmant lights


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Hi gang just wondering if anyone has changed their instrument panel lights from the circuit panel over to the socket type cluster.My lights on dash aren't working and seems light everything is out but the turn signals work and the high headlight works but as far as anything else it doesn't.Have changed the switch and still nothing so figures it's the circuit   panel and hate to pull it all off if I can switch it over..

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Hi Tetru

A couple of questions, so please bare with me.

1. Have you checked the gage fuse on the fuse block - it should be a 4A fuse. It's probably on the lower left of the fuse block. Is it bad or broken?

2. Have you removed the cluster and checked the gage bulbs to see if they are nearly opaque black? Over time, the original incandescent bulbs darken as the tungsten filament burns off somewhat. It turns almost an opaque blue/black and makes the bulb nearly useless. Of course a bulb can burn out too. Replacing the bulb is your only option at that point.

3. If the gage lights as a whole aren't working, then you may have a grounding issue or a torn flexible circuit board.

If the bulbs need to be replaced, I would consider replacing them with LED bulbs so they never discolor/go opaque again. They cost a little more but I think its worth it in the end. I hope to do that with Lucy eventually myself.

Do you have access to a '69 Bonneville/Catalina Shop Manual. It is a worth while investment. It will have diagrams and schematics on your car. It can help you locate the proper ground terminals for the dash.

This YouTube video is for the '69 Firebird but I think you'll get the idea regarding grounding.



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I pulled my dash twice to get all the lights working. Very lightly very very very lightly sand the sockets where the tabs on the bulb holder touch the circuit board. do not sand the circuit board! I found by doing this all my bulbs worked the second time. pic to follow

I pulled my dash twice to get all the lights working. Very lightly very very very lightly sand the sockets where the tabs on the bulb holder touch the circuit board. do not sand the circuit board! I found by doing this all my bulbs worked the second time. pic to follow


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