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DEBATE: Mosque in Lower Manhattan; Disrespectful or Not?

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WARNING: This is a debate about a very heated and touchy subject. If you can't handle the heat, get outta the kitchen. You have been warned!

As it's been reported throughout the week, the Muslim mosque has been approved to be built from the abandoned Burlington Coat Factory building, not even two blocks from where the Twin Towers once stood.

I for one, am appalled at this approval. Of all the places they HAVE to build a mosque, they have to build near ground zero? Seriously, WTF? Add the fact that all of the local government officals, Bloomberg etc, are gung ho for this to be built and calling any opposition, "racist" makes me sick. Our country has become too obsessed with being politically correct, and now crap like this slips by through the cracks.

Personally, I don't give a rat's ass where these people want to build a mosque, but why two blocks from ground zero? Why? Ever heard of a victory mosque? That's what it is if you ask me. The extremists will go batty over this, and praise this as a symbol of their "victory" on bringing down the towers, and Manhattan's own mayor is completely blind to this very, very big problem.

Before somebody says Muslims aren't to blame, I say they are. There's too many extremists running rampant, their religious ways are intolerant to almost everything we hold dear to our own society (women's rights for example). It's because of the Muslim faith, that a bunch of extremist sand goons got worked up into a frenzy by that scumbag Bin Laden, they hijacked two planes, and killed countless lives on 9/11 in the name of "Allah".

As for the construction of the mosque, I see it being a very long time if it's ever to be built. I sure as hell know the majority of NY'ers are appalled by the idea of a mosque near ground zero, especially the firefigthers, police officers, construction workers, and EMT's.

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islam is nothing more than a veil for sadistic bullies to spread their message of hate and forced assimilation into a cult of goons and maniacal sheep. It is no worse than Nazism. There is no toleration of anything different than the personal views of the lead cleric. He is a dictator. If it weren't for islam, the World Trade Center would still be standing. Those people killed in the terrorist attacks on 9-11-10 would still be alive. Without islam, those umpteen terrorists would not have been motivated to give up their lives for an evil, stone age way of life. Those fat, worthless muslim leaders wouldn't get off their useless asses to take a leak. islam is the enemy for it promotes hate and violence towards anything "non-islamic". The muslim state is one of totalitarian fascism with a rejection of all that is individualism. I don't hate religion, but I really hate islam. With the truth uncovered, this is merely an attempt to rub it in our faces. Tasteless and low class, if not nefarious.

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I'm fine with this as long as the discussion stays civil, once it turns this topic will be deleted...

Anywho I have two views on this that I don't have time to fully explain but I have the feeling like you Chris and then I also feel that "Religious Freedom" has a huge say as well in this. That's all I'm gonna say on it, for now.

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The issue of "Religious Freedom" is contradictory with Muslim and American cultures. As I said, in both I don't care if they build a mosque, JUST NOT NEAR GROUND ZERO. The Muslims are pretty much pissing on the foot of our country by wanting a mosque there. Plus, the Muslim religion is very intolerant to what values we hold dear as Americans. Why must we make them happy as they would spit in our faces for what we believe in and makes us happy as a whole? Fock that noise.

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isnt obama trying to approve this i mean im not racist but still


He's only approving this in hopes of boosting is PR image, and sensitivity for other cultures. Too bad it makes him seem as clueless as Bloomberg.

Also, I'm getting sick of people using Obama as a scapegoat for all the problems going on. Our whole government is focked up beyond belief because nobody wants to make a compromise on ANYTHING, either one extreme or the other, and Republicans and Democrats bitch and moan over how much the other party sucks, is anti-American and whatever bullshit they feel like spewing out.

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screw them, they can build it someplace else, better yet somewhere outside this country

actually I have a better idea, let them build it, then have a bunch of rednecks fly a plane into it

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A Canadian's view:

No, never, not at all.

Yes they have the right to build it where they want, and the right to practice their religion, but there should be a common-sense clause to that. The chosen spot is about the worst possible area, except for ground zero itself. If they had any respect for the folks in New York (Or the rest of America) they wouldn't build it there or anywhere close.

The citizens of New York should protest and fight this every step of the way. Forget being 'politically correct' here, I see that as a 'get-out-of-jail-free' card that is used too much as an excuse to do something like this.

It's disrespectful and tasteless, and no matter how politically incorrect it is to say this, they should not be allowed to build it there or anywhere close.

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Hell no. Thats got to be the most horrible idea I have ever heard. But you know what, let them do it.....im sure it will get burnt down within a month too bad im not in NY to watch it.

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Hell no. Thats got to be the most horrible idea I have ever heard. But you know what, let them do it.....im sure it will get burnt down within a month too bad im not in NY to watch it.

Well, I actually kinda agree. I don't think it'll last long.

However, I'm not too sure where I remember reading it but I thought I saw that they, at one point, had a Mosque near there before the attacks and it was destroyed in the collapse. So, I guess all they are doing is rebuilding the Mosque that was once in the area to begin with.

I'm not against or for. I really don't care.

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There is a mosque already around lower manhattan, and it didn't get destroyed. The fact that they want another one up shows you their intentions.

I'm sorry, but I don't want these bearded sand goons "praying" near ground zero. It's because of their intolerant religion the towers do not exist anymore.

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