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Pontiac of the Month

J J Web's 1967 Lemans

2024 May
of the Month


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Everything posted by Wrongway

  1. Good job buddy! Sounded pretty good too. I even got a glimpse inside. I can't wait to see it all finished and on the road next month! Seriously brother great job and great purchase. I can't wait to see where you take this project Kiwi.
  2. Well, we're excited for you buddy. Can't wait for the new pics and to see what's under that hood! I 2nd Justa, the whole Bonnie and Clide thing is justa to cool not to run with it.
  3. HELL YEAH!!! My boy, congrats brother! I love it. Got any pics of the inside??? Are the engine and trans present?
  4. Thats justa cool bro! Wish I had room for something that size man!!!
  5. Welcome Bobby! So, you can't get it out because it's not currently running or?
  6. Sure thing brother, here ya go. https://www.amazon.com/Outdoor-Gazebo-Canopy-Wedding-Removable/dp/B01M10GU0G/ref=sr_1_3_sspa?crid=R8U1MH33KKE7&keywords=10x30+party+tent&qid=1658350561&sprefix=10x30%2Caps%2C383&sr=8-3-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUFDWDMwUFFMVzY2NTImZW5jcnlwdGVkSWQ9QTAyNjQ2NDEyVjM4RzBOVzJFNlJQJmVuY3J5cHRlZEFkSWQ9QTA3OTIzNjgyTlJFWTNVMEVWWjFOJndpZGdldE5hbWU9c3BfYXRmJmFjdGlvbj1jbGlja1JlZGlyZWN0JmRvTm90TG9nQ2xpY2s9dHJ1ZQ==
  7. Welcome bro, justa cool T/A!
  8. Not sure if it will help or not bro or if you have the room but... My wife and I are celebrating our 20th anniversary in Nov. and she justa bought a big canopy. It's 10x30 with 8 removable walls. She said she paid less than $150 with shipping on amazon. I can send you a link if you'd like. Once we're done with it, I'm actually going to convert it into a paint booth for the bigger stuff the won't fit into my one car garage. Justa thought bro.
  9. 🤯 well I for one am mind blown! Seriously, I had no idea what all went into designing a break system. Which could be why my brakes feel like crap! I'm sure I'm personally going to have a few questions after I read this 6 or 7 times but thank you for writing this Last Indian and helping us understand justa what is going on under our foot.
  10. Thanks bro, my son was trying to get me to keep it that color. Nope, paint is already paid for
  11. Well, justa in case any of you wide trackers have ever wondered what your baby would look like in flat black, here ya go! Ok so I got up early and scrubbed every inch of her, then washed her again. Washed her with rust convertor next, smoked a camel and rinsed her clean. Ready to spray something?!!! Nope, the convertor left residue. You can see the yellow, the silver is where I scrubbed. This residue would smudge off with a finger. Scrubbed the whole car down again and dried it. Mixed up epoxy primer, final wipe down with fast evaporating cleaner. Then laid it out! Think I'll let it sit tomorrow and cook in the hot sun and then start the actual body work. Oh yeah, don't pay attention to the fenders there justa hanging there so I could take pics for yall!
  12. Hey Justa, I did get to reach out to Barry this evening. I figured he would be gone by the time I came in so I sent him an email with pics. Thanks again bud. So are you wanting to justa reshoot the GTO or take her down to metal?
  13. Man that sucks. I remember painting my first car indoors, I rented a storage unit and tarped the floor. Set box fans under the door for ventilation and let her rip! It actually turned out pretty well I will say that going from a rattle can to a paint gun was a huge learning curve!
  14. Welcome Eric! Beautiful T/A man, is she stock or has anything been done to her?
  15. Thx Justa, I sent you a message bro. Glad you finally found that trim man. Guess you need to find a new treasure to hunt!
  16. What an ass! Don't ask for help if your only going to be rude and disrespectful to the man that took time away from his own life and projects to help YOU figure out YOUR problems!
  17. Well the spent the day with my son getting the rest of the metal stripped, door jams, inside of the gas cap door, ya know all the little stuff. Popped the front windshield out so both are removed now. As of this morning it showed 10% chance of rain tomorrow, so I went back over the entire car with that Contour SCT to get any surface rust off of her. I figured I would get up early and prep the metal not being replaced so I could shoot the epoxy primer on her to keep her from rusting. As of now, 80% chance of rain tomorrow! 70% chance of rain Monday and 25% Tuesday! I swear this morning it showed sunny skies the next 3 days. Justa dumb luck! Well, what fun would it be if everything always went as planned?
  18. Yes please bro, I'm looking for the front fender extension for the driver's side, I would take both if he has them but I'm missing the driver's side completely. Also, a front bumper that's not twisted. Thank you
  19. I second Justa's request. Pics please! 👀
  20. Not sure if this will be much help Alex, but if you can take it for a short test drive run it by Advanced Auto. They will scan the codes and should be able to tell you what's going on. If you can't test drive it find out if Advanced has a scan tool in their "loan a tool" program. I don't know if that'll help or not bud but its the first thing I'd try.
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