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Pontiac of the Month

J J Web's 1967 Lemans

2024 May
of the Month

Last Indian

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Everything posted by Last Indian

  1. Oh I need all mine, can’t spare a drop! The government is going to squeeze every last drop out! If I’m short? I’ll probably have to polish Joe’s shoes! What was it we were talking about? Oh wait let me shake that invisible hand!
  2. Don’t need eyebrows for that! Just a stiff upper, ah I forget where am I!
  3. If you thought life was tough using fossil fuels? Wait till you live it under “Green Energy”! Most Europeans will either be freezing this winter or going broke paying for the heat or both! Because they jumped in to green energy with both feet! Now they don’t have enough energy to keep the heat or lights on! Green energy only works when the wind blows fast enough for wind turbines or the sun is out for solar! It can’t be stored! So forget about electricity at night & It will never be able to be stored under current conditions! There are not enough natural resources to make what would be needed to store that volume of energy! So if you think that green is a good idea or it’s acceptable; we’ll get ready, cause you’re going to be cold & in the dark & broke! Oh yeah! That EV you might buy!? It’s going to be sitting a lot cause you won’t be able to charge it. Think not? Look at what California just did recently. Speaking of EV’s. What are all these people that have their garages so full they park all their cars outside going to do to charge that EV? Drag multiple 50’ electric cords out to the driveway every few days? If that’s what they plan? They need to see the above picture!
  4. I think somebody is just wishful thinking! 🤗 Sorry to disappoint, but at my age eyebrows are not a concern!
  5. Most likely all the above! Ah! Don’t forget the trip to the emergency room! Possibly even the need to reattach something!
  6. One old old man, his axe pry bar & shovel! Oh yeah & a lot of sweat! Removing a big a - - stump!
  7. We must have been crying because you didn’t stop to visit! JustA passin through!
  8. Copy that! You can get a bulk rate to states since you’ll need about 10 or 15 copes!
  9. This year has been a nightmare for you! You really need a winter working garage! You could settle in & take your time! I feel for ya!
  10. More proof of why they what fossil fuels that do produce CO2 gone! Did you know that your body needs CO2 more than O2?! That doesn’t mean you don’t need O2, so don’t miss read that! Good breathing is all about efficiency and effectiveness, but what is efficiency and effectiveness in breathing? Nowadays, many people are out of shape and chronically ill. Even though fit and healthy people generally have better breathing habits than sick people, it is still extremely rare to meet somebody who breathes well. We don't breathe just to get oxygen: In fact, the human respiratory center isn't very sensitive to oxygen levels at all, since it primarily responds to CO2 levels. The best breathers are those people whose breathing doesn't react strongly to minor increases in CO2 because they breathe little and have a high level of natural CO2 in the body. The air we breathe is so rich in oxygen that even people who breathe extremely little while at rest still get plenty and are in fact often in excellent shape. When we breathe too much and exhale too much CO2 while being inactive, the CO2 content of the blood drops dangerously low and strongly affects our health and performance. “Carbon dioxide is the chief hormone of the entire body; it is the only one that is produced by every tissue and that probably acts on every organ." Yandell Henderson, Ph.D. - Cyclopedia of Medicine (1940) CO2 has many important functions in the body; It is essential for oxygen delivery to cells, maintaining blood pH and much more. The fact is this, there are many reasons I can give as to just how crucial CO2 is to the human body! But, one of the largest issues for many ailments that people have is actually a depletion of CO2 from the body! So ask yourself, why in hell would we be trying so hard to reduce one of the most important elements on earth! So do you think you should see the above picture!
  11. A little more insight to carbon monoxide! This gas while not good for anything I’m aware of, has some curious behavior that no one in authority speaks of! First it only last in the atmosphere a couple months, tops, during this time it starts attaching to a second oxygen molecule & then becomes CO2! Some of the largest producers of CO are volcanoes, brush fires & forest fires, but what they don’t tell you that they know is earths atmosphere is constantly bombarded from outer space with carbon monoxide! It is found though out space. This occurrence of carbon monoxide again becomes CO2 as the CO degrades from a second oxygen atom attachment. So you can see that removing fossil fuel from the planet, while being impossible without human extinction, which believe it or not is what they want, won’t stop CO2 increase in the atmosphere. What would benefit the planet is more vegetation! Remember! Plants take in CO2 & release O2! Humans take in O2 & exhale CO2! If you didn’t know that, see above picture!
  12. Copy that! Always keep my gas stored between 65 & 75 ! When I built my house/garage I spent a lot of time doing everything I knew to do to build a very well insulated building especially the garage. No windows! Only a garage door that is insulated to R13. Then when I built the shop I went 2x6 construction, no windows, a special man door insulated to R25. Shop holds steady all year long between 65 & 75. The garage holds between 58 & 78. Except in the extreme heat when I pull in with two hot cars! Then it will go to 89. If I don’t use a car for three days it will take at least 36 hours for the temperature in the garage to drop to the upper 70’s.
  13. Good explanation Bear! You don’t work for a additives corporation like I did by any chance? 😊 Just teasing. Kiwi, Sta-bil has three products I like depending on what I’m doing. The 360 marine I like for my in use engines. It is their most effective product at removing water, ethanol & it adds in some PEA additive. When I use this in my working car engines I also add a bottle of Gumout Regane PEA fuel additive every other tank full. For those engines that I store for an extended period like my ZTR or the snow blower or the lndian I use the Sta-bil storage. They also make a product called 360 protection, which is a PEA additive that also protects against rust from water damage, but I have never used it because I use the 360 marine & Gunout Regane, which does the same only more effectively I believe. That’s my two cents worth. One thing to add. I know for a fact that it does remove the ethanol/water from the fuel for this reason. I usually keep about 40 to 50 gallons of fuel on hand in 5 gallon containers. These are high grade polymer containers that can be used for nearly any chemical. I like them because they have a separate vent valve you can control up to & including closing. They are also opaque to a point, but you can still see the liquid content. When I fill then right to the 5 gallon mark & then add the Sta-Bil to the gas & just barely crack the vent valve, a few days or more later when I look at the container it will be reduced down in volume. Usually it take about a week for it to reach equilibrium & then it stops. I have actually measured this more than once in the past & it works out to be the 10% volume that the ethanol is in the fuel at.
  14. Listen, all of this is bullshit! You can approach this from any angle you want, but you can’t argue with historical facts! If you do see above picture, or you’re a liar! Of which there are many! For instance I spoke of burning wood & history shows thousands of years ago they used charcoal, but that was for cooking; because that was done on the ground, no chimney to carry the dioxins away from the people at ground level, but heating, different animal! This is why chimney design is crucial, & was actually better hundreds of years ago than today! All that said we humans use to have much better immune systems! Cancers, poisoning from things like dioxins or radiation, illnesses etc… Why is it so different! Well as a society we have failed to do what our creator told us to do! As a result our food may taste good, but it’s nutrients are very poor! Something else! Remember the hole in the Ozone? What happened to it? You don’t here about it anymore do you! Did you think it was caused by human activity? All the morons ran around like chicken little & they passed this stupid multinational agreement to stop CFC’s! But literally before they even really had a chance to implement it the ozone hole started to close, but guess what? They took credit for that result anyway! Now seriously for better than 25 years they squawked about the ozone hole & how long it had been there & it was getting bigger & how the cause was the increase of CFC’s. Yet overnight it shrunk because they signed an agreement! They must have scared the poor hole! Actually, China is responsible for the fires in the Amazon! They are buying p Brazil at a record pace. Their Mining in the Amazon & causing fires as a result.
  15. Carbon monoxide, with respect to car emissions. Many people think of this gas as a health problem or a killer & rightfully so! Yet with cars built since about 2000 carbon monoxide is no longer a threat! Most all cars produce since the new millennium began to have catalytic converters that convert CO (carbon monoxide) to CO2 (carbon dioxide). So current cars actually produce zero emissions! Read That Again! Zero emissions! That is a fact, but even better is the fact that this is what the car manufacturers said! So did most governments at the time of that achievement! But now it’s different! Now because they haven’t gained the control they thought they could it’s a crisis! Gas cars are a problem as well as your gas furnace, water tank, dryer & anything else that burns a fossil fuel! Really! Do you have a wood burning fireplace? Do you burn wood outside? Doesn’t it burn a fossil fuel? Did you know that burning wood releases the second most toxic gas on the planet? That this gas also is of a heavy particle size that falls back rapidly to earth & contaminates land & water! And the material is only eclipsed by nuclear waste in toxicity! That’s a fact! It’s called Dioxin! The Dioxin from burning wood invade everything. It causes all forms of cancer, emphysema, asthma & much much more. Did you know that historical records document that this has been known for thousands of years! That those records also show that charcoal was the preferred choice! Why? Charcoal produces as much as 50% less dioxins per volume, but it takes less than half as much charcoal to produce twice as much energy! So if you think you might want to drive an EV to save the planet? See the above picture! Or maybe drive that old gas guzzler a lot less? See the above picture. Or maybe you should put out the bon fire! 🥵
  16. There are many important elements in Earths atmosphere. None are replaceable or better said, they are irreplaceable! Nitrogen is one of the most important! Why? Nitrogen is responsible for all life! Amino acids are the building block of all life! Nitrogen is the element that makes amino acids among many other things, but hey it’s a greenhouse gas so let get rid of it! Nitrogen is one of the most used elements on earth. Nitric acid, I.E. urea or as you all know it fertilizer. Nitriding is another use of nitrogen. This use of nitrogen is used in process certain metals. For instance the nitriding of Boron creates one of the hardest materials only eclipsed by a diamond & not by much! Also it is used by man & nature to suppress oxygen! In chemical reaction in nature & in processing. Also in fire fighting to take away one element of the tetrahedron! You may also know it as that product that is used in cryogenics. Or the stuff they use to freeze that wart or skin growth off of you! So if you thought nitrogen was just a man made fertilizer, See above picture.
  17. Fitzy, you are right this is your thread about your trip & you have done a wonderful service in both descriptions & photos. Again I apologize! I had no right to take it in the direction it went. My only answer is I’ve dealt with the climate lie for so long I get a over zealous. Not an excuse! I pray we can be ok with each other again.
  18. Fitzy, clearly I’ve aggravated you, sorry not my intent! But you actually didn’t read the first post that indicated unless you were driving under 25 kilometers an hour, you’re running on the gas engine! And two, the modern cats do as you say, convert CO to CO2, so my point was that! You were releasing CO2! But please except my apology as clearly we can’t discuss this!
  19. Unfortunately he is talking emissions, in particular CO2, as he indicated in the last NZ post. And I’m ok with that. If that’s what he believes! If a man has been convinced by other fools that he can jump off a cliff & fly with nothing but his own will I certainly can’t change his mind! Though the fact that those folks can’t explain their position in any way other than look at the weather! Yet even in that they have no evidence! Because these cycles have existed for millions & millions of years & there is indisputable proof that it has! Then you become very aware that they have been indoctrinated & deceived. Case in point! Nitrogen makes up 78% of our atmosphere! It is thee most abundant gas in the Earths atmosphere, than Oxygen at 21%! That’s 99% of all the gases in the atmosphere. Every other gas in the atmosphere is less than 1%! CO2 sits at .034% while many others are higher in that 1% group. Now you can read many articles about Nitrogen & whether it’s a greenhouse gas, but all that claim it isn’t are not scientific sites they’re propaganda sites pushing the same old narrative. When you look at actually scientific data it absorbs infrared radiation, I.E. greenhouse gas! So why isn’t it number 1 since it’s 78% of the atmosphere? Because it doesn’t relate to fossil fuel energy! Those that push it have one goal; destroy the human race! Why? Well I leave that up to each individual to reason through. Think this is nuts? Ask yourself this! Shortly before Covid NASA’s Mars explorer & all of its findings were big news. So much so that NASA laid out a possible plan for the distance future of how we might convert Mars to a livable, breathable planet! Do you remember that? Do you remember what it was? They were going to put, what they called pollution machines on Mars! Machines that would release greenhouse gases into Mars atmosphere to create a atmosphere that would hold, wait for it heat! Thus creating plant life thus oxygen & life! Don’t you find it curious that they want to create life on Mars through greenhouse gases while here on Earth those same gases are destroying our planet according to them!
  20. Ok Pete now you are starting to scare me! You do realize that every single thing you eat contains CO2! You I.E. every living thing, plants, animals etc. are not only made up of carbon, but breath in CO2, while also retaining a portion of that CO2 in their blood & their tissue. Plus without it, we would cease to exist! Please tell me you know this!
  21. Peter, I encourage you to push back! Why shouldn’t you! Stand your ground! Just make sure that the ground you’re on is solid. If you don’t know the facts than it’s shaky ground. Either way I will defend you’re right to say & believe whatever you believe & say! That Prius, is not zero emissions! Far from it! First, as all the tree huggers tell us, a gas engine produces CO2. That Prius at a steady 25 kilometers or above runs on the gas engine not battery! If you need heat, it runs on the gas engine! If the battery is below a certain charge, it runs on the gas engine! All true! Additionally that battery, as all lithium-ion produces over 100 toxic gases every single time it’s charged, but unlike that gas engine that produces harmless CO2 & no matter what the extremest push it is harmless & has no effect on the climate! If you believe otherwise I encourage you to research & study Earth gas composition over the past 500 million years! You will soon see that if there is any argument to be made, it is we don’t have enough CO2 in the atmosphere! I could go on, but I’ll stop!
  22. Welcome Lew! We love all things Pontiac! As it was before the demise! To Kiwi’s point, if there is JustA one good thing that came from the demise of Pontiac? It would be that we don’t have to watch in horror; as the Woke GM leadership would surly take it down the same path that they are doing to all the other divisions! Sad, really sad!
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