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THE MIND OF CHAOS: Q&A with your friendly mod, [ChaosweaveR]


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Life has a way of filling up your time. Believe me, my son's baseball games & practice schedule has sucked nearly every spare minute out of my life for the last 2 years and will continue for the next 2. I barely have time for car shows or cruises anymore. I literally have to fight with my wife sometimes to go to a car show, car club meeting, or do something I want to do for myself vs. going to yet another doggone baseball game.


I glad you found a car club. I hope you become active in the club. New blood and new ideas are always appreciated.

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Clubs on Long Island with the younger crowd never panned out. I watched five clubs be formed, then whither and die.

This one might stick around, but I'm not holding my breath. I'm not taking the club too seriously, per say...but I don't want to come off as not caring...more just along for the ride and see what happens.

I actually played a lot of baseball when I was younger, from age 11 to 15. I grew out of it though and got into cars more. Made my pops kinda sad, baseball is a huge passion of his.

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I played little league and a lot of pick-up/sandlot as a kid but it was not a passion like the boy has. He dreams of playing college baseball someday. I want to see him make it, its just extremely competitive to make JV, Varsity, college, and the pros. Each level takes that much more to get to.


Speaking as an "old guy" who's been active for nearly 30 years in my ski club and 10 years in my car club, it has been tough to draw in young people such as yourself. I am not sure if it is not wanting to associated with "old people", the perception of old ways/old ideas/ not modern enough fun, whatever. I have even read that "young" people are simply not "joiners". I am not sure what to actually believe. I know that young people hold the future to the success of social groups like car and ski clubs. So clubs are a combination of what you put into them and what you get out of them. If the same people do all the work, then nothing will change, and then burn out and resentment sets in.

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The problem with a lot of the younger guys today isn't really the older guys, but they have such short attention spans. Because of instagram, a lot of guys just want attention, and don't seem to function well in an organised club it seems.

Car meets won't even last long with them, as they'll chat with their friends, get "bored" because either crowds aren't gathering around their cars or they want to drive.

Me personally, if I ran a car club, I'd have a basic criteria to meet (so no complete stockers or junkboxes want in) and have some meets and shows to go to.

Most of all, they STAY the whole time with the club at a meet or show.

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I do agree with you on the short attention spans comment. I see that in my own kid.


What would the purpose of your car club (beyond being a social club first - which all clubs are) if stockers and junkers are not allowed?


What is the incentive to stay for the whole show (especially when some folks won't stay if they known they are not going to win a trophy or an award)? How would you handle the eventual "clicks" that will form?

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I do agree with you on the short attention spans comment. I see that in my own kid.


What would the purpose of your car club (beyond being a social club first - which all clubs are) if stockers and junkers are not allowed?


What is the incentive to stay for the whole show (especially when some folks won't stay if they known they are not going to win a trophy or an award)? How would you handle the eventual "clicks" that will form?


Well, to actually give the club a sense of purpose outside of going to shows, I would want to support certain charities. Supporting Autism Awareness is important to me (for very personal reasons) so that would be one example.

We would support other clubs local to us, go to shows together, maybe even host shows and have somewhere for other car folk to gather and have a good time.

Well, club members would have to stay, for example if we host a show, they need to be around to help clean, direct people and keep organisation.

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