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Pontiac of the Month

Byron Burnett's 1965 GTO

2024 September
of the Month

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1999 Pontiac Grand Prix GTP

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How many miles does it have? Any accidents? Engine rebuilt?

The short answer will always be: whatever someone is willing to pay. The car could be "worth" $35k but if the market is only willing to pay $5k, you're kind of out of luck :) .

The long answer will have to take into consideration things like my above questions, how it was restored, how original it is, etc... 

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He says that his car is # 144-200 made in 1999! But with 8 recalls and 6 investigations on the 1999 Pontiac Grand Prix. If he didn’t have any of the recalls fixed than $10,000. I’m good with cars but not when it comes to estimating the prices of cars!!!

Edited by Owen Rooz
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What Ringo said! Whatever the market will bear, but that said it won’t bring much, sorry!

I like the “97”-“03” GPs a lot, they even had a lot more potential than most folks realize if modified correctly. Still as a rule they are not sought after as a collector car, at least not yet. As a rule the aftermarket versions by SLP or MPD bring the most money, some as much as $20,000. 

IMO, with the exception of the obvious high end collector cars, if you by a car for investment purposes you probably can do better elsewhere! I have always bought cars because the please me in design & function! At the end whatever I get out of the car when I sell it is a plus, but that’s just me!

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