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Pontiac of the Month

Byron Burnett's 1965 GTO

2024 September
of the Month

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66 Pontiac tail light housing shape?

Bud Sisto

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Ever REALLY look at the rear light housing on a 66 Bonneville? You would imagine that they would be rectangular, (of course rounded at the ends), but everyone I look at seems to have a droop across the top edge, and sometimes along the bottom edge. So, a question for someone who might know or has delved into this matter and has some fact formed opinion is..... Is it supposed to look like that, like a bow tie look? is it a casting flaw? It just seems a bit screwy that they purposely designed them that way with a "squeezed in the middle look.I'd love to hear any facts or opinions about this because I really want to straighten mine out. Thanks, Bud. PS the picture is not through a fish eye lens, Bud


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BUD, I can't say for sure as I have never been up close and personal with a 1966 B-Body of any style/model. So my input is solely guesses and/or assumptions. I would venture a guess as what you are repeatedly seeing/finding with these old  tail-light assemblies is age and fatigue. Since the bezels are pot metal and so large I would think some warpage overtime is very possible but again this is just a guess. I would look at the tail panel itself for possible direction in course of action. Looking at the stamped/punched opening of the tail-light section is it equal across the opening? If so then it's very likely and the bezel/housing are what need attention. If it were mine and the reveal around the housing when installed into the panel opening is not equal around the bezel "I" would carefully look into spreading/straightening them. If this is the course you choose, Try it with one not worthy of salvage so as not to ruin any you may want to use.


Best of luck.

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