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Pontiac of the Month

Byron Burnett's 1965 GTO

2024 September
of the Month

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Ethenol additives in fuels

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I have been reading alot lately about ethenol in fuel corroding your fuel system during long term storage. Ethenol absorbs moisture and can plug up and destroy your fuel system. I am going to drain my fuel tank and use the fuel rather then let it go stale, but what do you do about the lines, pump, carb etc. Has anyone experienced corrotion issues form ethenol fuel? and what can be done to prevent a problem.

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Have you ever used Sta-bil? We were Justa talkin about this in storing your car thread.


Fuel Stabilizer prevents such things from happening with the fuel left in the car.

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As long as it is exposed to air then the ethanol can attract water. The OH bond in ethanol attracts the H2 in water vapour and this causes the moisture in the fuel and corrosion. As for the storage adding a Stabil or some other storage chemical will bond to the ethanol OH portion of the molecule and create a neutral charge on the molecule not allowing for the attraction of the H2 in the water vapour. This bond does break down over time as fuel will separate with longer term storage (6 months plus) As for the carb if you can block off the vents and fill the carb bowls completely and seal them then the air cannot get to it and water will not be an issue. Simple solution is to run the car for 20 min per week and purge the contaminated fuel out of the carb and allow for the fresh fuel to enter the carb. The down side is after about 2 months you may have to buy another gallon of fuel.

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