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J J Web's 1967 Lemans

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Eve Online: Become the 1% in space.


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Allright, I'm a bit lonely on Eve, and I'd like a few people to join me. So, what is Eve? Best way I can put it is "out of control capitalism in space with guns and armies." The long version of that is that it is an MMO with one shared world, no sharding of any kind, where virtually the entire world is player-generated and driven. CCP, the company which makes it pretty much gave people resource sources, a means to obtain tools, and just let them have at it. Every single item, ship, module, chemical, what-have-you was made by a player. Even space itself in most cases is run by player-organized "alliances", in many cases operating like countries with defined economies, militaries, civilian leadership, etc. To give you an idea of the scale:


(link for full version)

This image is automatically generated each day as territory changes hands and new structures are erected or destroyed in different areas. That's an entire galaxy of star systems, all those dots are individual stars, that all have their own planets, moons, asteroid belts, old civilization ruins, and explorable stellar anomalies that you can go interact with. Each of those colored blobs is an alliance, one of those player-driven "countries" I mentioned earlier. They rise, they fall, they move around, and are sometimes reborn.

The big thing about this game is the variety and depth. You don't have to know or do it all, but it is all there if you want to. Industrial pilots, combat pilots, explorers, or even people who don't fly anything at all and just serve in office roles in a player enterprise, it's all there. Rocket science to shooting rockets at other people, industry manager, or factory worker producing one thing into another. Miners, security guards for miners, spies, accountants, generals, logistics haulers, blockade runners, mercenaries for hire, what have you.

So, to get to the point. Sign up for an account, you can get a free trial period after that if you choose to upgrade it's $15/mo unless you make enough in-game money to pay your subscription that way (I do this). I have a known-space group that I use for industry outside of wormhole space. You're all welcome in there for some community and to fly in fleets together. I can help you get off the ground. If you do join up, post your character name here and I'll send you instructions on how to get in.

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