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Pontiac of the Month

Byron Burnett's 1965 GTO

2024 September
of the Month

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Custom front?

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Hi! i just saw on Google this pictures and i wanted to know if it is a kit/pack or a customized front on this LeMans GTO 73... anyone knows?? Maybe the owner is in this forum!

Thank you !

1973_pontiac_gto-pic-5572269424713171510-1600x1200 (1).jpeg

Captura de pantalla 2017-12-26 a las 14.57.40.png

Captura de pantalla 2017-12-26 a las 16.01.26.png

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14 hours ago, Kim Francis said:

Hi! i just saw on Google this pictures and i wanted to know if it is a kit/pack or a customized front on this LeMans GTO 73... anyone knows?? Maybe the owner is in this forum!

Thank you !

1973_pontiac_gto-pic-5572269424713171510-1600x1200 (1).jpeg

Captura de pantalla 2017-12-26 a las 14.57.40.png


This is definitely a one-off, custom front end. The stock '73 GTO/Lemans had a separate chrome bumper (like the rear) with the turn signals embedded in opposite sides of  the bumper. You will notice that the turn signals have been removed or hidden as well. I think the person that did this spent a lot of work bringing the fender curves into the front fascia. It's a nice, unique touch.

The only other front end that is commercially available for this car is the Grand Am since '73 was the first year for the Grand Am. But that has a completely different look from this.

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4 hours ago, Frosty said:

This is definitely a one-off, custom front end. The stock '73 GTO/Lemans had a separate chrome bumper (like the rear) with the turn signals embedded in opposite sides of  the bumper. You will notice that the turn signals have been removed or hidden as well. I think the person that did this spent a lot of work bringing the fender curves into the front fascia. It's a nice, unique touch.

The only other front end that is commercially available for this car is the Grand Am since '73 was the first year for the Grand Am. But that has a completely different look from this.

Yeah It is a different look totally  and this custom job is pretty well designed ( i mean it is well integrated with the curves as you said). i always thought that the 73 needed a retouch in design for this front that doesnt really matches with the back and side silouette

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