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Pontiac of the Month

Byron Burnett's 1965 GTO

2024 September
of the Month

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1940s Fender Skirts


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Hi everyone.  I have a 1942 Torpedo that I want to install fender skirts.  I bought the skirts that are supposed to be correct (and very hard to find) but have no idea how they mount.  There are two ears or tabs at the bottom of each end of the skirts.  Evidently there are two brackets with slots that install at the base of the fender well that the two tabs fit into.  My car does not have those.  I have looked and looked for pics of cars with closeups of these brackets, but no luck.  Have looked for the brackets online with no luck.  I feel rather dumbfounded on this. Perhaps there are no such brackets?   I would very much appreciate some info/advice/ pics from anyone who knows this information.  I want to spruce this car up but held up by this seemingly simple solution.  Thanks for any help!  David


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The sad thing is the Torpedo body style does not get a whole lot of love in terms of after market support. I am sure you know that. I know that some Chevy body parts do interchange with the Torpedo. So you could try contacting Chevs of the 40s. Sacrilegious - I know.


There is also the Fender Skirt Depot, but I don't know of anyone who has gone through them before. So I have no idea what to expect with them. I would call them to see what they might recommend.


Edited by Frosty
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