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Pontiac of the Month

J J Web's 1967 Lemans

2024 May
of the Month


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Everything posted by Ringo64

  1. Welcome back! Jebus that's a lot of snow!
  2. Depends how clean my car is tomorrow cause I'm pooped today
  3. This is probably one of the most expensive times to get tint but meh you might be able to find a good deal . Winter is probably the best time to get tint because nobody is thinking about getting it done and the businesses are hurting. Anywho the GP is looking great, very nice!
  4. I find this quite odd actually that we get intel on where he was go in and he gets caught in crossfire and boom dead. I dunno if since Obama became president I don't trust what this man says at all, let alone the media but just something with elections around the corner and we find Bin Ladin under Obama... I just don't like how during the elections Obama was totally against the war when that was being popular and now that elections are around the corner and his approval rating is the worse in US history, he finds Bin Ladin and now everybody likes him again. I really think Obama is trying to up himself, especially with the birth certificate as well. I'll believe it when you tell me how we can compare his DNA and show me pics of him... BUT I don't want to take away from the troops they did an above excellent job at what they were ordered to do and came out with a successful mission, good job!
  5. wow! mine are beat up horribly after polishing my rims last night....
  6. Nice! Was just about to say it might be better to go new but beat me to it
  7. That's crazy! As much as I love my car, I agree with LN7
  8. Someone got a little paint happy lol. Looks good though!
  9. Person I nom'd won! Congrats!!!
  10. Just heard it's snowing out west in US, man that sucks! It's in the high 80s here and I'm about to go work out in the pool
  11. Yeah totally agree it is overused but I do like seeing it, every once in a while so it doesn't bother me too much... Must people who "think" they're a pro photographer usually don't have the training I have with Photoshop and graphics. If I spent like an hour on each of these photos I could have gotten them to look a lot better but I didn't have the time, nor did I want to spend it if I can get better and more recent pics tomorrow
  12. to some extent. It's nice to see 1 out of maybe 10-20 pictures be HDR but if every single one is then it ruins the effect. Like the first one, I like but think it is too much. The 2nd one I went more towards sharpening the image rather than balls to the wall.
  13. Wait a tick this makes sense now Funny thing is I read this at like 6 this morning before work and understood that then when I come back to comment at lunch I guess my mind was somewhere else...
  14. Trying to learn HDR for work and some projects, right now I'm just using the cheap way where you adjust photos in PS then combine them with the HDR tool but they aren't horrible lol. This weekend I'll probably go out after I wash the 6er and do some real ones.
  15. Those will be good, I'm not a fan of the Chrome lip but I think with your silver paint it will look good
  16. Voting is done tomorrow at close of the day!
  17. Nice! Hopefully not doing anything with that beautiful TA?
  18. It's too sunny here jk and wow I would have definitely lost it if this was me. I would have ripped off the guys plate and headed into the store and been like owner of a blah blah with license plate blah blah blah, show yourself!!
  19. The problem with Stangs are there are so many versions it kinda loses it's prestige and I guess iconic history like the Vette has. Like there are $20k stangs all the way to over $100k, if I'm spending anywhere over $50k I kinda feel discouraged if little timmy sheepandfold down the street has a base mustang and is ricing it out. Just my thinking... You can say this I guess with the Camaro too but I think even with the Camaro there's a little more prestige and rarity because it doesn't have 9 million versions, it only has about 3-4 versions (depending if you count the LS and LT as separate versions). Back on subject with the Vette, I think this will be a great addition!
  20. If it's under $100 I might consider it, even though I don't wear watches Just something cool to pass down to my kids.
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