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J J Web's 1967 Lemans

2024 May
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Emissions/Atmospheric Gas/

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To continue with carbon monoxide. Think about this for a bit. Plant earth has more than twice as much surface area of water than land! 70% vs 30% to be a little more precise. The oceans produce per square mile more carbon monoxide than the land per square mile. As a whole they out produce human caused CO about 30 to 1!! 

Now you may not know or understand, but CO is a extremely important gas for life! Yes life! Without it earth & the universe would die! Besides the reaction of CO with bacteria that splits the molecule into oxygen & hydrogen, there is also a reaction between ionized helium & ionized carbon monoxide! This reaction produces produces ionized carbon. Ionized carbon is one of the important elements necessary for organic reactions. Remember this; carbon, while not being the most abundant element in the universe, it is the most important for all life! That includes ALL forms of carbon. 

Arguably most people start to have their eyes glaze over when discussing this type of stuff, but if you believe in anything believe this! God! If you doubt his existence you need look no further than these things right here being spoken of to realize all of the immensely complicated workings of earth, let alone the universe didn’t just happened by chance!

Finally, for carbon monoxide, they and you know who they are tell you it’s a global warming gas! Guess what? So is oxygen! & water vapor! Guess we better hold our breath & drain all the water to the moon! 

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So I’ll move on to sulfur dioxide! Now this if nothing else should tell you just how misdirected & mislead the public has been by the powers that be & the media. Sulfur Dioxide is almost non existent in our atmosphere. 15 ppb!! That’s per billion! The most prevalent atmosphere this gas exists in is Venus & that’s at 150 ppm & nothing I mean nothing can live there. Not even bacteria! We could not even go in space suits, even if the planet temperatures would let us, because the suits would melt. When it rains there it rains sulfuric acid! So on what planet would anyone who cared about the planet or life of any kind would say let’s convert a gas that has sone potential to do good in the atmosphere, to a gas that when increased will only only do harm? I could tell you who, but you would laugh in disbelief.

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Now on to the worst of the worst! The one gas that single handedly is going to destroy the whole planet! The gas that scientists call “The Gas of Life”! WHAT!? Are you crazy how can Carbon Dioxide, CO2, be called the gas of life?

Below is a link to a document on a website. It is a scientific website, & as such doesn’t teach indoctrination since that would be counterproductive in its efforts of doing scientific research! It’s a document that gives a very detailed explanation of CO2 & it’s working. Both in the atmosphere as well as it’s influence on organisms. 

If you read through it I hope you pay close attention to the fact that WE, oxygen breathing mammals are responsible for the most CO2 in the atmosphere! Followed by deforestation than the oceans, volcanos etc. Not cars, not industry or any of the other BS they feed you! Then I hope you pay close attention to the fact that the greatest contributor to greenhouse emissions are Water Vapor. Now guess what happened about 5000 years ago? There was a spike in earths temperatures! Why? Well think about what cataclysmic event took place then! The great flood that’s what! It is a fact every single society who’s records have been recovered, recorded that event! Not Noah’s ark, but a cataclysmic flood! A flood so great that you can see it in the actual continental landscapes. That flood released subterranean waters that when sequestered underground didn’t impact atmospheric greenhouse emissions to becoming surface water that did!

Now one of the other benefit of this document is it details, through statistics, not opinion, how CO2 has changed up & down since the early beginnings of earth. As this can be done through core samples of Antarctic ice. It show that millions of years before man was here CO2 levels where at times 20 times higher than now! It also shows that there were times millions of years ago they were very similar as today! Guess what? Earths temperatures though all of this where fairly stable just like now! Even right now with all their rhetoric the earth is colder than it was predicted to be. Just how twisted it is to literally impose punishment & threats & sanctions on people, organization & business who actually tell the truth. 

I won’t spend a lot more time on this! Either you believe what is truth, & proven long before any of the fear mongering, lying, indoctrination & woke crap; or you can be the proverbial head in the sand guy!


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