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Pontiac of the Month

J J Web's 1967 Lemans

2024 May
of the Month


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Everything posted by Ringo64

  1. Added a Twitter account, don't think I'll update it too much but figured it was worth a shot in bringing in new members! https://twitter.com/ForeverPontiac
  2. yep hit the nail on the head. Its run by Mike (Username here obviously FDM), I can't say anything about it cause I obviously can't join but Mike's a cool guy, he gives very valuable input on this site so I can only guess that his site is run smoothly
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  4. Four Door Mafia, its a way to segregate us coupes
  5. yea them old people just go when they want too cause everywhere they look is a blind spot
  6. Believe me I find a majority of my issues are during season with you outta towners and snowbirds!!!
  7. Manners are a huge thing to me also, my previous roommates were the biggest inconsiderate pieces of garbage out there. They play their rap crap as loud as possible 24/7!! I'm sorry but my parents brought me up right and if I acted out of place, I got hit as simple as that. I learned when I was really little I didn't want to get hit so I didn't do that then as I got older I said oh that's why I got hit, that is wrong! Obviously these kids parents didn't care about them thus they never learned manner and they came in at 3am screaming and shit on a weekday then blast music. Let alone they stole my food, money and everything and didn't tell me. I'm a nice guy if you say you have issues I'll try my best to help you but not these fucktards. The day before I moved out I popped one right in the face when he complained I hit the circuit-breaker and turned off his music. Knocked the fucker back into the wall and he went crying into his room. So much for the tough guy act pussy!! Whole list of other balderdash that set this up to me move out and poppin this guy in the face but that's the jist of it. Anywho other things are: People going 20 in the left lane in a 45 People who have plates from my state and county that don't know where their going! In this day in age there are signs everyWHERE and theres GPS if you can't read!! Don't cut me off then look at me that I did something wrong, go around the block, I know its a little longer but don't cause an accident over something idiotic like that! People from Universities who think their quarterback was gods given gift to earth. coughUFcough He isn't even if he's good theres no need to have a whole show to talk about him or show him! If I want to go faster than you and you are in the left lane and theres an open lane next to you, I shouldn't have to go around you Because you hate your car and/or can't drive it doesn't mean I hate my car and/or can't drive it. eh I think that's a small bit of mine
  8. In an advertising like this it is best to know what their advertising, I've throw away countless fliers and things on my car, apartment door and hand outs because they either didn't say what was going on too well or I didn't like what it was. I rather them throw away this card than come on here all pissed off that we left a book of information on their windshield
  9. Wanted to watch it but was running on 4 hours of sleep which means I only watched like the first quarter then passed out
  10. Nice idea than Joe!! Thought you did it all in PS. Yea its better to have forums without HTML, IPB can allow it but I disabled it due to creates difficulties and such but seen that before too.
  11. You would change your name Tupps!! but Welcome to Forever Pontiac Man!!
  12. Hopefully printing some tomorrow and putting them in my wallet till I find me some Pontiacs!!
  13. really there is a way in PS to map your images and put links in them lol
  14. for a second I thought you figured out flash I was like "YAY JOE!!!!" but then realized it was image mapping, still cool though!!! Very unique too not many people do that
  15. Hey all! Just figured I let you know that we changed up a few things. Changed it so that "The Car Show" will the be the forum where you can post pictures of your Pontiac and then in "Picture to Picture" you can post random pictures that you took, found or whatever! Just thought I'd let you guys know of the little change!!
  16. Nice! Interesting G3! Doesn't look like the G3's I've seen, looks so much better!! Yep we call the area to post pics "Picture Heaven" you have a choice where you can create a Progression thread in the Progression thread forum (under Picture Heaven) or just post a couple pictures of your car in Picture Heaven
  17. Here Comes the Sun - The Beatles
  18. bahahahaha they couldn't pick a better car than a Mustang?
  19. Between Two Worlds - Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers
  20. The Muscovy ducks hang around our house and just shit EVERYWHERE!! Then they like to whenever I'm working in the garage or washing my car come up to me and into the garage and they will NOT move if you hit them, run up to them, make loud noises or anything! I found out that they do not like to be spray painted though The pelicans are just annoying when I want to go fishing and stuff on the water cause they are just like the Muscovy ducks, they come up to the boat and annoy you. I personally blame the idiots around our house and the idiots on the water that feed them.
  21. Oh man I hate pelicans here, them and the Muscovy ducks!! Nice pics though!
  22. This is an OLD OLD picture even before my tint! but I think it still remains the only sticker on my car
  23. Welcome man and as stated links are not allowed in posts, Sorry and thank you! I am interested in doing a link exchange though! PM me when you get a chance!! Thanks!
  24. WELCOME to FP!!!! Nice GP you got there! I edited your post because we do not allow links anywhere on the forum but the Advertising section or unless approved by an Admin. Sorry and thank you for understanding!!!
  25. I believe it is a hat you wear during the multiple festivities of having a large obnoxious sticker on the back on your truck... hold on I think Wikipedia is wrong
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