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Pontiac of the Month

J J Web's 1967 Lemans

2024 May
of the Month


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Everything posted by TboneWS6

  1. Agreed! Very cool! Obviously oil CO’s & Big Guys making Billions somehow are preventing making it a Mfg process? Easy to collect & compress Hydrogen produced via this process w existing tech! Lye is dirt cheap & plentiful, aluminum cans next to plastic containers are a plague that recycle & trash CO’s dump into land fills! Cost for making electric conventionally is $.10 per unit but same amount of energy can be produced w this process for $.05 per unit via this method w right equipment! The by-product is aluminum oxide & oxygen, that can’t be bad! Seems this guy did this over 14 yrs ago😵‍💫😬😳! We s/b running not only our cars but all our power needs including making electricity by now w no green house detriment!
  2. Interesting read on normal guy’s experiment making cheap hydrogen in his garage & running an auto V8 engine on it. https://www.instructables.com/Run-Your-Car-on-Hydrogen-from-Aluminum-Soda-Cans-a/?amp_page=true
  3. Hi all, does anyone know where I can get my electric antenna rebuilt. My ‘02 TA only had 5400 miles on it & carwash broke the tube the antenna retracts into.
  4. Hi all, the auto antenna on my T/A convertible didn’t go all the way down when turning off the radio. Didn’t realize so car wash broke the tube the antenna recedes into. I’ve removed the entire assy & have heard there’s a rebuild kit? Anyone know where to get one?
  5. These are great! A bit pricy but I think worth $200 for 12 bait stations. Made to hold up well out doors! Entrance big enough for rats, much safer than plastic stations that are too easy for pets or kids to break into. W a dozen spread around your property & checked & baited frequently you’ll clean out the entire population in a substantial area! When you see the bait isn’t being nibbled anymore their gone. Keep them baited anyway and they’ll keep the population from starting again! https://www.domyown.com/jt-eaton-strongbox-metal-rat-bait-station-910tp-p-1375.html?gclid=CjwKCAjwnZaVBhA6EiwAVVyv9LLaV_3WtuG6DkjF5sZe9FsLg3BnkNlO_ljhWEtwQ1T4YlibtFywOBoC_dcQAvD_BwE
  6. Not to make it seem more daunting but if there’s a nearby nest rats & mice have big litters often. Could be as many as 50! I had a mice problem, I’m in the woods. Not sure the variety but they were bigger than the usual mice & smaller than typical rats. I started with traps & the sticky paper & got about 10 over a week or so. I started with the bait boxes but they were big enough they couldn’t get in the bait box’s. I’d see the bait boxes moved around but bait untouched. I started putting the block bait loose. I put it in my eve’s, attic & inside plumbing access hatches inside walls! Sounds radical but after about a month I stopped seeing their droppings anywhere in the house. Even stopped seeing them outside near the house in the woods. I would check on the blocks & see they’d eat the whole thing, sometimes the blocks disappeared overnite, I think they’d take back to the nest! Been a couple years & no sign of the vermin ever anymore. I still put the blocks out & check but never even see nibbles! I think I killed all of them in the whole county 🤔😂😂😎 Best of Luck, they R a PIA!
  7. Ouch & 👍! As ur finding out pretty much always more than one! Good job thinning the heard! Keep up the good work! Make sure when u get the bait box’s they’re the big ones. I’ve seen some pretty sturdy & heavy duty ones for out side that pets can’t get at also somewhat kid proof. My son has a service who puts them outside around his house to get them before getting into the house. Seems to work great.
  8. I’ve heard the longer the tale the smarter the Rat, but congrats & kudos u got the it so little f_cker!🥳🎉🎊😄
  9. Understood, as u said the Poison that makes them look for water might cause more probs til he’s dead ! I am lucky as I have mostly copper & only a few plastic lines that r easy to shut-off go to appliances. If u get a cat (not a bad idea) to b a good hunter u gotta keep them on the hungry side! Sounds a bit cruel but I’ve known friends that turned them into Fat Lovey cats & if they catch any they play with them & get bored & let’em go. I’d leave the cat out in the day & bring him in at night when the vermin r active. Outside cats r better @ hunters & killing! Inside in early evening with u & Fam keeps them friendly. All the shots @ the vet r important! Obviously especially a female get spayed so no kittens! Don’t declaw them. Knowing what their job is just happens being outside in the day, although if u keep even an inside cat a bit hungry & lean they’ll hunt kill & eat! Best of luck!
  10. Kind of related & u’ll proby get a laugh from it. 64 kiwi boni reminded me of it with the little f_cker chewing the water line! One summer I noticed a 2-3” hole chewed in my soffit. Started watching it & saw a grey squirrel going in and out bringing paper & weeds into it. I was gonna poison him but my wife got on me cause she thinks their cute, I think their rats with bushy tails & just another verity of vermin! So I set up a have a hart trap! I ended up clearing the Neighborhood as I caught 15 & took them 15 miles away & let’um go. What a PIA! So I went ahead & fixed the soffit. Wouldn’t u know the next day there’s a hole on the same place 😡😡😡! The one little f_icier I was trying to b kind & not kill survived the trap 😬! Yep u know what I did, left the hole for another week & delivered a gift of the same rat bait Tomcat Bait. Fixed the hole again in a week or so & no more holes 😂!
  11. U r write about the poison. Until u get the vermin I’d shut the water off to any other plastic lines until u get him! This stuff is on Amazon & works fast & unless u have multiple problem will get rid of him in a day or 2. Normally something instinctive makes them go outside looking for water. But if he’s figured out the plastic waterline thing might take a bit longer & maybe more chewed lines. I had either big mice or little rats, multiples. I have the same plastic feed line for ice to refrig. But they never did bother it even after poison! Took about 3 or 4 days & they cleared out. None died inside as i know the smell 👃 of a dead one in the wall! Old bait from many years ago just let them curl up & die instead of looking for water outside. I keep this new bait out in just a couple spots JIC replacing every month to keep it fresh. No evidence of droppings or no nibbles on bait for several years. I take the stale bait & throw it down the ground hog holes. Keeps them under control too! I don’t have pets or kids around though!
  12. Hi all, has anyone replaced the power antenna on a last Gen. T/A with flex stubby antenna? I want to, any suggestions on a product someone had success with appreciated. Mine recently didn’t go down all the way, stayed up snout 3” & carwash maniac’s it🫣. Even deformed sheet metal a bit. I’ll buy a new one to pass along if / when I sell but want a carefree flexible stubby I don’t have to worry about again 😬 while I have!
  13. Now finally getting some great top down weather. Stretching her legs a bit more lately👍👍😁! Had a little tease Convertible weather Early April, 3-4 days in the hi 60’s low 70’s rare in NE Pa. But perfect top down time now!
  14. Absolutely correct 64 kiwi bono! Mother Earth does her thing. Been doing it for more years than they can measure. Science is beginning to admit there may have been sophisticated cultures 100’s of thousands of years ago, maybe millions. Ocean level changes have been going on for millions of years & the changes you speak of that we se in our life span are like single breath when measured along side how long the earth has existed with living things on land & in the oceans. The dramatic proportion events archeologists uncover that result from seldom dramatic natural events that spur them occasionally with Mother Earth returning a normal cyclic repeating beat again for thousands of years until the next dramatic event more times than we can imagin with her return to a normal cycle again & again! Archeologists know there were times when humans & animals could walk on dry land for thousands of miles from what we perceive as continent to content today! Other times the deep took it back! We are such finite beings who try to predict & measure the unpredictable & immeasurable! 30 years ago the common belief was no sophisticated human civilization existed more than 6.000 to 10,000 years ago! Now their discovering artifacts & seemingly modern tools that shouldn’t be there in petrified stone hundreds of thousands of years old. I live on a barrier island, we have a sea wall that goes into the ocean & runs down the center of a rock jetty. It’s duplicated every 400 ft. For the length of our city. I’ve lived here for 32 yrs. & as a high school kid visited the shore here for 4 more years. The level of the tides & ocean are easily seen to be with minimal to no change in that almost 55 years! The giant rocks, more than several tons each have endured in the same place as has the sea wall that intersects & runs vertically from the boardwalk all the way thru the sea wall into the ocean for 100 plus years. The end off the summer season thru Winters sees the sand disappears on the south side of the sea wall letting the water come very close to the beach by 100’s of feet & the sea wall is visible on the south side above the sand almost 7 feet while on the north side the sand almost covers the top of the same wall with the beach grows on that side pushing the ocean several hundred feet further out to sea. While it sounds dramatic & the 1st few years seemed so to me. After seeing the phenomena 55 time almost exactly the same every year, Not so phenomenal any more. The changes are almost exactly the same every year barring a hurricane or big nor’easter & the beach returns to exactly where it was by the beginning of the new season. Funny to remember as a youth & young adult listening to climate change zealots telling us parts of New York would be under water & our city for sure by 2013, we are still here as is New York! Mother Earth just keeps chugging at verually the same sequential pace! I’ve paced the distance from my front door at high tide & low tide @ full moons as a reference @ the Summer equinox & guess what. To the same spot on the south side of that sea wall & nature shows me virtually the same depth on the hi mark on my stick measured from the top of the same spot on one of the 4000 lb rocks set in place on that jetty 100 plus years ago. My house is 6’ above sea level, I’d notice! Sure, things could change drastically in 1000 to 20,000 years as Mother Earth has done countless times over millennia 🤔😵‍💫! Hope I didn’t bore anyone 😂
  15. Not sure what takes place in their psyche but it becomes like a total absorption religion in the “Let’s call it Global Warming, no that ain’t working so let’s call it Climate Change, no that ain’t working, let’s call it Climate Consciousness, yea let’s try Guilt” Crowd! Kinda like when u saw the Ari Krishna Lunies at every airport all & high density city streets with their total loss of self awareness turning into the religious lemmings that something in their brains let them become! Same disease! Not sure it’s evil possession but definitely some kinda Mind / Body Snatcher possession! 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
  16. It’s a beaut! My 1st new car was a ‘70 Formula 400! Castilian Bronze! Loved that car!
  17. I’ll be brief as I know most know the details of what I’ll say now! This whole gas shortage issue is BS contrived by the Elitist Left to force their contrived BS Climate Change Religion on the masses to control us, as was the “Wear Masks & We’ll still Shut U Down Policing” which destroyed the world economy = All to control the masses! People of Western Democracies need to wake up before our Freedoms are gone! Sorry for the Rant but I’m Fed Up!
  18. X2 on “Way cool pics” Tim My Dad (RIP) got me into Pontiacs as well! While I don’t have great pics of his ‘63 Catalina I do remember the car well! His next was a 1967 Midnight blue LeMans that he was generous enough to give me as a wedding gift in 1969. I Definitely appreciated the gift but I had too much testosterone & Didn’t appreciate the ‘67 Leman’s, in hind-site I do now! But at the time w/o the big motor in the ‘70’s it didn’t work for me, so I traded on a ‘70 Formula 400 stage 3! Haven’t had another Pontiac til 2 years ago when I got my ‘02 T/A 6 speed Convert WS6! Great Ride. So as to “The why we got our Pontiacs” I gotta believe Dad’s got a lot of us interested as they were fans 1st! See pics of my 1st & last bought.
  19. Wish I had either or better yet both now! 😂 a little more funny to the story, bought Nomad for $300 in 1966, thought I made a killing when I sold in ‘77 for $1400🤣! Both ‘57 Safari & Nomad are worth north of $75,000 now depending on mileage & condition 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
  20. That’s the one!!! Love that car, light metallic blue is perfect too! Here’s a funny high school pic of me w the ‘57 Nomad it’s twin cousin. You can see how much alike they are!
  21. X2! Sadly it’s true! I hate to get political & normally don’t, but don’t think this is really! It’s a quantum shift from ‘Independent Free Think’ to Conditioned Forced Group Think’ Globalism aids itself utilizing “Climate Change” as the Phycological fear weapon to control the masses. They never let a disaster be it man made or natural go to waste to instill fear & say we need to take away some of ur sillier little freedoms for the greater good to fight this, ‘Pandemic, this River Flood, this Hurricane disaster, the Climate change’ & on & on to ad nauseam! They placate us with “oh it’s only temporary until” but most of those freedom losses never return w/o conditions! More registration, more regulations, more restrictions etc. etc. etc.!!! One day if Freedom Lovers don’t wake up, our freedom will be gone & all will be Controlled Lemmings 🤔😬 Sorry, & forgot to say “Happy New Year”
  22. Thx, unfortunately nothing was under rear seat nor above gas tank. I’ll check D-door for RPO Codes. Is it a sticker in glove box?
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