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Pontiac of the Month

J J Web's 1967 Lemans

2024 May
of the Month


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Everything posted by Ramairgt2

  1. Well guys its been a long time.... A lot has changed. I was in a bad accident and totaled out my explorer in January this year. My son and I are both fine although I am still continuing chiropractic sessions once a week... So I was forced to bring my GTP out. I've since installed a brand new crate engine direct from the GM plant in detroit. Its a brand new L67 with the black valve covers,aluminum oil pan etc etc. Anyways here's some pics from today. I've also got an SD hood on it now.
  2. Hey everyone I just wanted to share my new tattoo that I got done on Saturday night. Its in memory of my dad who I lost 9 years ago June 19th. His birthday is July 4th. I had a completely different idea in mind for the tattoo but my artist sat down with me and we came up with this one. Its a complete one off so no one else has it at this time. I'll be sure to post up a new pic of it in a week or so once its heeled so that you can see the true colors pop out.
  3. I went out to the local yard today in search of tail lights and since I didn't see any that weren't scratched up or broken, I came home with this instead.... A lund bug/stone deflector for 5 bucks..
  4. btw I learned a cool trick from a friend of mine.... my head lights were starting to haze etc.... Instead of spending 10 bucks on a restore kit I was told to use tooth paste and some elbow grease... Sure enough after buying a 99 cent tube of whitening tooth paste with the gritty stuff in it and combining some meguiars plastx that I already had, and some microfiber clothes it worked the same if not better than a headlight restore kit. I finished the headlights off with a nice coat of wax and they look pretty good.
  5. Well its obviously been quite a while since I updated this... Truck is running strong.. Since I've owned it I hadn't done too much beside routine maintenance and having the intake gaskets etc replaced. Today I washed it and cleaned the inside out really well. I've been noticing my rims looking poorer and poorer due to age and peeling and since completely redoing the rims is out of the question.... I used my black rim paint and gave them a nice paint job so let me know what you think.
  6. it very well could be. There has been absolutely zero knock anyplace or sounds of shit pinging in the motor.... I won't know for sure til I pull the rear head,,,, I'm leaving the other side alone since all is good there.
  7. On June 11th I came outside to start my car and head to work.... My car started misfiring extremely bad. It ran fine Sunday night... Anyways I left my car sit in the garage and drove the truck to work. After work a friend and I checked the codes and came back with a PO 300 code (multiple random misfires) Checked all the ignition related stuff etc and all was good. Even replaced the ICM, and Coils for shits and giggles... No changes... Plugs were not fouled out,wires are fine etc (the wires and plugs have less than 500 miles on them)... Needless to say I got pissed off and left the car sit again. Wednesday I had my car towed to a local place which I've really gotten to trust with my vehicles.... I had them do a compression test and was going to scope the cylinders but their scope went down .... All but one of the cylinders had a reading of 160-180 ish and lone cylinder which is number 4 had 70-80..... I thought it was tuning related but its not.... My car is still sitting there at the shop because I'm overly frustrated and haven't had time to tow it back to my house.... With that said I'm going to need to tear into this motor a third time now and find out what the hell happened. After the problems are solved I'm going back stock as far as the pcm, blower etc are concerned and getting the car to run correctly , then it goes bye bye... 11 grand in the hole with this car and I'm done spending money on it.....
  8. Yep its running fine. The blower is ported and has the H bar removed but they are fine to run on a stock LIM.
  9. BTW please excuse the mess in my garage..... I've been super busy and haven't been able to clean or put stuff away
  10. Well since I haven't updated you guys...... I ended up pulling my motor apart twice since it was put in.... Basically the guy who put the motor together had the LIM cut out for a stage 3 IC and since I didn't go IC he put the blower on top of that LIM which caused me serious vacuum issues leading to an internal vacuum leak that could have blown my engine.... I had so much suction at idle that I could literally put my hand over the valve cap hole and stall the car out... Under boost it caused the dipstick to blow out of the tube(didn't find this stuff out right away until myself and a friend were doing the tune on my car and noticed smoke coming from the hood, which came from oil getting everywhere under the hood) I ended up trading a friend for a stock LIM.... My friend Gabe and I finally got around to putting my car back together last night and holy shit the car screams now..... Anyways I've got a couple more oil changes in the near future to ensure all the coolant and moisture is completely out of the oil.... Then I've got to have my friend Clint come back and re-tune the car since all of my fuel trims etc are way off now.... Anyways I snapped a couple pics today of my car as I washed it. Hope you like them and I'll be sure to post pics of the motor in the car really soon too
  11. I should also note that the old engine was out by 11 a.m. yesterday and the new one was in by 4 p.m. We had the car running at 10 last night .
  12. Old L67 New L32 being prepped and last minute recheck of the front cover... Engine bay was relatively clean(I didn't get any pics of it but I did clean the trans and engine bay) Engine installed and my friend Gabe working on the harness... I owe a big thanks to him for letting me use his garage and lending a hand. Thats it for now. Let me know what you guys think. I've also got a quick video I'm trying to upload.
  13. Oh and I'm getting a nice wicked tune next week......
  14. I forgot to mention, that blower is ported with a matched lim. So to say the least , my car is going to scream.......
  15. Wow....... its been a little bit. Anyways I had an L32 freshly built and I just picked it up yesterday. So here are some pictures of my recent purchase....
  16. Here's some pictures I took of the LE cluster installed my GTP. Don't mind the dash being apart because I'm not quite finished yet. Let me know what you think.
  17. I picked these up today. Limited Edition exhaust tips
  18. This is my replacement which I'm keeping />http://foreverpontiac.com/topic/2948-i-found-a-temporary-replacement-for-my-gtp/
  19. Looks good. I've got an 01 GTP fully loaded and I just picked up the rare LE cluster and spoiler. I've got pics of it on here. The only sad thing is that a shop is responsible for my engine letting go but they won't fix it. My car has no dents,scratches or rust and only has 77,000 on it. The one good thing to come out of my car having a blown engine is that it forced me to get another vehicle which I'm keeping now..... This means my GTP will only see the spring/summer... />http://foreverpontiac.com/topic/2746-my-new-01-gtp/
  20. Love the classic GP. Not too often you see one in pristine shape like that.
  21. So everyone, I have a little update..... In about a month or so I will be putting an L32 into my GTP. I also scored huge at the junk yard on saturday as I came across some really rare stuff for the GTP.... Here's the pics First is my LE cluster. Anyone knows that these are very hard to find and if you do find them people want a lot of money for them. Its already installed in my car and I'll be taking pictures of it soon. Second is the LE spoiler which is even harder and much more rare since it was only offered in 2003 on limited edition grand prixs. The spoiler I am going to be putting up for sale very soon.
  22. seems to be the consensus.... I'm not a fan of them by any means but they were on the explorer when I got it. Next time I'm at the junk yard I'm going to find a stock set and sell these on ebay.
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